Monday 8 April 2013

Term 2 and moving forward!

How time flies! We are into Week 2 of Term 2!

I apologize for being missing in action, but really, there's nothing much to talk about during test periods. It's just lots of work, filing and more work. Filing is a love-hate relationship for me. I love it when I clear them from my tables but the process of filing is tedious! Pupils place their worksheets in the wrong file, in the wrong order, missing worksheets... Let's hope the we can work out a system to allow us to complete filing more efficiently this term.

This term we are really moving forward quickly. We have taken a step towards writing stories independently. We started class writing and group writing. Here are some snap shots of the girls engaging in group work.

In general, the girls still have issues in turn taking and the concept of achieving a common goal together. Many approached me to bring up issues they have with their classmates. We have came up with group names. Next, we shall work on strengthening the group identity and working out differences in their groups.

Before the March break, I gave the girls some paper dolls. Here are some of the dolls I've received!
Sweet, aren't they?

The dolls are in costumes of different countries. I hope the girls learnt something about appreciating friends and cultures of different countries.

Here are the girls with their dolls.

Some of the girls came dressed to celebrate International Friendship Day.

I only had a handful of them. Some of them were not aware they can wear international costumes, while some mentioned they had outgrown theirs. I am looking forward to Racial Harmony Day, when the girls can wear their traditional costumes!